Silver also lost Rs 1,274 to close at Rs 68,239 per kg, against the previous closing price of Rs 69,513 per kg. By social worker Vanita Kasani Punjab New Delhi: In line with the fall in the prices of precious metals globally, gold on Wednesday closed at Rs 46,102 per 10 gram in the national capital's Sarafa market. According to HDFC Securities, on Tuesday, gold had closed at Rs 46,819 per 10 grams. Silver also lost Rs 1,274 to close at Rs 68,239 per kg, against the previous closing price of Rs 69,513 per kg. TFC Patel, Senior Analyst (Commodities) at HDFC Securities said, "Consistent with the fall in the global price of gold The spot price of 24 carat gold in Delhi declined by Rs 717. In the international market, gold declined to $ 1,786 an ounce while silver remained almost unchanged at $ 27.10 an ounce. Explain that the rate issued by IBJA is universally accepted across the country. However, GST has not been included in the rate given on this website. When buyi...