The accused, who cheated by withdrawing 50 thousand rupees from the account, was arrested, on police remand (Baluvana News) Abohar, July 10 (Sharma): In-charge of police station Khuikheda Bodiwala, Bachan Singh, head constable Vipan Kumar and other police party have succeeded in controlling the accused Firoz Khan son Masid Khan Naurangabad Haryana, who took account number from the youth and took out 50 thousand rupees from it. . The accused was produced in the Fazilka court from where he was sent on police remand for questioning. According to the information received, on the basis of the statements of Rishu's son Omprakash resident Nihalkheda, the police had registered a case of 420. After investigation, the police arrested Firoz Khan. The inspection of the matter is going on. In-charge of Police Station Bodiwala, Bachan Singh has appealed to the people to beware of thugs. Give your account number, ATM number without knowing identity. Often such people get cheated by giving lottery or other greed. Photo: 7 Police Party and the accused
The accused, who cheated by withdrawing 50 thousand rupees from the account, was arrested, on police remand
(Baluvana News)
Abohar, July 10 (Sharma): In-charge of police station Khuikheda Bodiwala, Bachan Singh, head constable Vipan Kumar and other police party have succeeded in controlling the accused Firoz Khan son Masid Khan Naurangabad Haryana, who took account number from the youth and took out 50 thousand rupees from it. . The accused was produced in the Fazilka court from where he was sent on police remand for questioning. According to the information received, on the basis of the statements of Rishu's son Omprakash resident Nihalkheda, the police had registered a case of 420. After investigation, the police arrested Firoz Khan. The inspection of the matter is going on. In-charge of Police Station Bodiwala, Bachan Singh has appealed to the people to beware of thugs. Give your account number, ATM number without knowing identity. Often such people get cheated by giving lottery or other greed.
Photo: 7 Police Party and the accused
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